Since 2017, health care mergers and acquisitions have repeatedly hit record-breaking numbers.[1] Mergers and acquisitions allow health care providers to, among other things, increase access to care, improve quality of care, enter new geographic markets, retain or even increase market share, and increase revenues thereby helping...

Leaders from Realty Trust Group, University of Tennessee Medical Center and OrthoTennessee broke ground Oct. 26 for a freestanding orthopedic ambulatory surgery center with physicians and team members committed to providing outstanding patient care and advancing orthopedic research. UT Medical Center’s Advanced Orthopaedic Institute will be...

Realty Trust Group has recently brokered the $18.5 million acquisition of a 140,000 square foot commercial office building located in Greensboro’s premier office park known as Green Valley Office Park.  RTG’s Adam Luttrell, Vice President of Advisory Services, represented the purchaser, Cone Health, in the...

The Outstanding Building of the Year Awards, otherwise known as TOBY awards, are designed to highlight excellence in building operations and management. Winners recognized by local chapters may then apply for consideration at a regional competition. In February, Realty Trust Group (RTG) accepted a 2020...