
Healthcare Real Estate Advisory Services

Are you asking the right questions about healthcare real estate?

Clients often approach Realty Trust Group (RTG) with specific objectives related to healthcare real estate, like expanding services or growing into a new market. They know it will require real estate, but they often don’t understand the considerations related to such objectives. They ask, “What will it cost?” and “How long will it take?”

While these questions are important, RTG asks other questions first to ensure that real estate follows strategy. For instance, what are the client’s objectives? What happens if they don’t move forward? What are their alternatives?

Once those questions are vetted, RTG determines solutions to meet clients’ strategic, operational, and financial goals. Our team is committed to providing every client with independent and objective advice regarding healthcare real estate initiatives. We leverage our experience buying, selling, developing, and managing real estate to offer sound advice and actionable strategies.

The RTG team helps clients find the smart solution, no matter the healthcare real estate challenge. We help find the right locations, for the right healthcare services, within the right cost structure and schedule to ensure the right results for clients.

Healthcare Advisory Services

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Strategic Planning

  • Demographics & Market Analysis
  • Ambulatory Network Planning
  • Inpatient Facility Planning
  • Retail Medicine Strategies

Project Feasibility

  • Project Goals & Objectives
  • Design Support
  • Project Budget & Schedule
  • Real Estate Pro Forma

Ownership & Capital Planning

Healthcare ADVISORY Thought Leadership

White Paper: Accessing Capital Through Healthcare Real Estate

Whether to fund ongoing operations, expansion initiatives, alignment opportunities, or technology investments, hospitals and physician groups must evaluate various capital sources to meet these needs. When properly structured, a strategic real estate recapitalization can provide significant capital to fund key initiatives, improve liquidity and financial ratios, and support broader organizational goals.

Best Practice: Wellness Check – Top 5 Real Estate Functions That Affect Your Organizational Performance

What providers often do not–but should–realize is that they have a considerable opportunity to improve financial performance, physician engagement, and market share through their active management of real estate. Hospital real estate should be managed like a business!

In this Best Practices briefing, Realty Trust Group explores the five attributes of a healthy real estate program and instructs providers on the best ways to optimize their programs.

What Our Clients Say


Healthcare planning and real estate go hand in hand these days, it’s all integrated, and RTG is my “right hand person” when working on all real estate matters.

We know and have talked to some healthcare real estate firms others that are good, but they may not have the breadth that RTG has. It would be a learning curve for a new firm to get to know us. RTG knows Northside and the way we want things delivered.

— Scott Wade, VP of Strategy and Real Estate, Northside Hospital Healthcare System

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Does your real estate support your strategy?