The blog post below is a portion of an article authored by RTG's Goran Musinovic in Compliance Today's December 2021 issue. To read the article in its entirety, click here.  Despite the astronomical financial repercussions of non-compliance, some health systems fail to take compliance seriously. Viewed...

Healthcare real estate is unique and a myriad of healthcare statutes and regulations create a complex regulatory environment in which health systems must operate daily. Health systems' real estate arrangements with referral sources face numerous compliance pitfalls, any one of which can trigger a violation...

The healthcare industry is a challenging environment for all participants, particularly so for providers. Dealing with staffing shortages, COVID-19, increased regulatory scrutiny, new technology requirements, and a plethora of other issues requires strong leadership coupled with a willingness to embrace and adapt to change. First...

In March 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. What ensued next included a variety of policies and efforts to reduce the spread of the disease and attempt to lessen the short-term impact on the healthcare system and the economy as...